With the end of the calendar year approaching some folks are already thinking about tax season. Again this year the AARP is partnering with the Soldotna Library to bring free tax preparation to the masses. Local coordinator Eddie Ranson explains.
“The program provides for, it’s designated for elderly and low income, but nobody is turned away. If you don’t fit in those two categories you can still come and have your taxes done," she said.
There will be five tax-preparing volunteers at the Soldotna Library starting something in mid February. The range of tax returns the volunteers can do, according to Ranson, is a bit limited.
“For instance we don’t really do small businesses. It has to e fairly simple. If you, say, have a craft business out of your home, an i’s not intensely profitable, we can do those," she said. "Otherwise, our scope limits in what we do.”
But, she said, what they can do covers most elderly and low-income.
Last year two volunteers helped 40 people complete their taxes, and with five lined up for this year, they could see a hundred people.
“Or even more. We really have a lot of interest among the volunteers who would like to put in a lot more time. So Soldotna basically had a small team last year; they didn't have any team at all the year before," she said. "And we just know foreword of mouth that that was really missed. So I think with the number of very, very qualified tax preparers this year, we’re going to be able to see a of people.”
Though the volunteer preparers are qualified, Ranson says the work is double-checked before completed.
“And then it’s entirely, 100 percent reviewed by another tax aide volunteer. It’s not submitted until it’s proofed," she said. "And they can do, in most cases, e-filing right that day that the taxes are prepared, and therefore if there are any refunds due, they come quite quickly.”
Look for signs and flyers around town in early February for the exact dates and times.