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CIRCAC sails through yearly recertification

          The Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council has had its charter recertified for another year by the U.S. Coast Guard.

The recertification, which runs through the end of August next year, certifies CIRCAC as, quote, "an alternative voluntary advisory group permitted under the Oil Pollution Terminal and Oil Tanker Environmental Oversight and Monitoring Act of 1990.”

CIRCAC said the new recertification marks the organization’s 28th consecutive year of being granted recertification.

The law, known as OPA 90, requires CIRCAC to apply for recertification every year. The organization said this year’s recertification fell under the streamlined inspection process which called for a reporting of substantive changes. There is a more comprehensive review every three years, including a public comment period. CIRCAC’s next comprehensive review will be conducted in next year.

CIRCAC consists of 13 members from Cook Inlet communities and Kodiak Island, Alaska Native groups, commercial fishing and aquaculture, tourism, recreational and environmental interest groups with a significant stake in the environment and resources at risk from oil production and transportation in the Cook Inlet region.

The nonprofit corporation is organized under OPA 90 for oversight, monitoring, assessing and evaluation oil spill prevention, safety and response plans, terminal operations, oil tanker operations and the environmental impacts of oil tanker and oil terminal operations in Cook Inlet.

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