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HEX LLC formed to acquire Furie Operating's Cook Inlet assets

In oil and gas news, there’s a new owner of Furie Operating Alaska, which went Chapter 11 in August. The successful bidder was Hex LLC, wholly-owned by John Hendrix, who has worked for Apache Corporation and NANA Commercial Group, and was Gov. Bill Walker’s chief oil and gas advisor. He formed Hex LLC in November.
    The winning bid in bankruptcy court was 15-million-and-10-dollars, for which Hendrix receives Furie’s Cook Inlet Kitchen Lights offshore unit and the Julius R offshore platform, as well as onshore assets in Nikiski.
    Hendrix, from Homer, said it was great to bring the company back to Alaska, and said it would have a commitment to Alaska hire.

    Meanwhile on the Lower Peninsula, Hilcorp has obtained permits to drill five new test wells. Called the Whiskey Gulch wells, they will be drilled on private land north of Anchor Point. The company previously drilled eight test wells near Anchor Point with mixed results.

    Petroleum News is also reporting that the state’s regulatory commission is looking at a request from Enstar Natural Gas Co. to recover costs associated with last. year’s 7.1 earthquake.
    According to its filing, Enstar says it incurred about $1.3 billion in costs due to the quake. Though it does have earthquake insurance, Enstar would like the Regulatory Commission to include the million-dollar deductible in its next rate hike filing.

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