Cook Inletkeeper's annual Mouth 2 Mouth Wild Run and Ride will be held this Monday. The ten mile race is open to runners and fat tire cyclists.
Cook Inletkeeper, the Homer-based water conservation nonprofit, met this week to discuss two renewable energy bills in the Alaska state legislature. The group of organizers and concerned citizens strategized a way to fight for these bills locally.
Cook Inletkeeper, the Homer-based water conservation nonprofit, recently met to discuss home energy efficiency retrofits as part of its “local solutions” series. The group of volunteers talked logistics and brainstormed a plan to make more central peninsula homes energy efficient.
The prospective Johnson Tract mine is still in early stages. But the project, on Native corporation-owned land inside Lake Clark National Park, has drawn concerns from environmental groups and nearby business owners.
In a new proposed plan for offshore drilling, the U.S. Department of the Interior floated the idea of auctioning off leases to oil and gas companies in Cook Inlet in 2026, in addition to 10 lease sales proposed for the Gulf of Mexico over the next five years.
Cook Inletkepeer takes up a Drawdown project every year with the goal of reducing carbon emissions locally. Inletkeeper’s Kaitlin Vadla said Re-tree would restore the loss of tree cover that’s impacted Southcentral Alaska from the spruce bark beetle issue.
The Department of the Interior announced this week it is canceling a pending auction for up to 1 million acres of leases in Cook Inlet, capping a tumultuous timeline of stopping and starting for the proposed plan.
Cook Inletkeeper is picking a climate solution to tackle in 2022. And it wants the public’s input.
The federal government is inching toward an oil and gas lease sale in Cook Inlet, covering about one million acres from the southern end of Kalgin Island…
The U.S. Department of the Interior said oil and gas companies should pay more to extract fossil fuels from federal lands and waters, like the million…