Growing A Greener Kenai
11 a.m. to noon the first Saturday of the month, October-April; 11 a.m. to noon the first and third Saturdays of the months May-September
Get your garden growing with Larry Opperman, master gardener with the Central Peninsula Garden Club. The central Kenai Peninsula has its own strengths and challenges when it comes to producing your own food and flowers and we're here to help you have a bountiful growing season. If Larry can't answer your questions, he'll bring on guests who can. Call in during the show with questions, 907-283-8414, or email Larry at any time at growingagreenerkenai@kdll.org.
Have a gardener on your holiday list? Larry has gift ideas to make other gardeners green with envy.
Tips for storing, saving, freezing, canning, cellaring and enjoying your summer garden goodies throughout the winter.
'Tis the season to review garden's successes and failures to prep for next year
New ways to enjoy "the greatest hobby that's ever existed"
Ask an expert! Gardening tips from the Cooperative Extension Service
Now that growing season is reaching its peak, keep your plants producing with adequate hydration and nutrients